

Although we don’t actively pursue modeling, our Westies have been used for commercial catalog photos and runway fashion show modeling for charitable events. Raleigh has the most credits to his name, but Ali recently decided to break into catalog modeling as well.

Touchstone Catalog, a supplier of quality home accessories and seasonal accents has used Raleigh for several years. He has been featured on the cover a number of times, including Christmas (sharing cookies and milk with a little boy), Halloween (with ghosts and goblins), and 4th of July (complete with flag waving), and has helped sell everything from door mats, to furniture, to fireplace screens.

To see additional Spotight Photos, either click the photo above, or Click Here.

Ali more recently, has been featured on the Touchstone Catalog Halloween cover with Trick or Treaters and will be on the 2003 Christmas cover.

Raleigh’s fashion show modeling was for the charitable organization, PALS (Pets Are Loving Support). PALS provides ongoing care and support to pets of Atlanta area persons living with critical illnesses and disabilities. One of their big fundraisers every year is a fashion show complete with professional models and a variety of local purebred dogs supplied by the Atlanta Kennel Club. One year when the model paused at the end of the runway, Raleigh did a perfect sit next to her. The audience loved it and applauded. Raleigh, being the quintessential “show off” barks profusely

whenever he hears applause and this time was no different. The more they clapped, the more he barked.

Being obedience trained certainly helps with the long poses required for the catalog photos as well as the inexperienced (at dog handling) fashion models.

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